Peer and Museum in Torcello [Venice]
Course: design course 7 Tutor: Unit Linazasoro Year: 2016 University: ETSAM
Torcello is one of the islands located in the region of Venice [Italy]. Knowing that years ago it was one of the main ports of the area and it was fully inhabited, the truth is that today almost nobody lives there and the main built area of the island is located in the northeast part of it. In the other part of the island, the southwest part, is located the actual peer, close to the main river that connects the whole island.
The project consist on the design of a new peer in the northwest part of the island and a museum at the southern corner, drawing with these locations a triangle that connects the peer, the main built part of the island and the museum, allowing the visitors to walk through the whole island to know every part of it and his inhabitants.